Overwatch 2, Warcraft and Diablo news likely coming in February

Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment

BlizzConline was canceled for February but that doesn’t mean Blizzard won’t still be sharing news for some of its highest profile games. If you recall, back in October, Blizzard promised to reimagine what BlizzCon could be in the future — something safe, welcoming and inclusive . But truth be told, a lot of us don’t need the spectacle of a big event, we just want to know more about the games we care about.

Thankfully, some of those details will be coming soon. Blizzard originally promised to make announcements and updates for their upcoming games at some point in February, a promise that was reaffirmed by Blizzard leader Mike Ybarra on social media.

Responding to criticism that Blizzard announced a new survival game, Ybarra assured fan they are not abandoning their live games and that they are still hard at work on some of their games still in development, like Overwatch 2, Diablo IV and more.

It sounds like Blizzard will share more news on Overwatch and Warcraft in February. And although he mentions “Diablo will follow,” it’s possible we could get some news next month as well.

One thing most fans are eagerly awaiting is a release date for Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV. Both games have seemingly been in development for an eternity so we’re all very anxious to know when we can finally get our hands on them.

Blizzard has been noncommittal to announcing a release date because we all know how delays are so poorly received. Rather than set a date and the having to possibly delay it, they’ve just been holding off it seems.

For what it’s worth, previous earnings calls suggested Overwatch may not arrive until April 2023, while Diablo 4 could be even further off down the line. That said, fans will get a decent look at Overwatch 2 much sooner as Overwatch League will begin its 2022 season with an early build of the game.

As for Warcraft, the series saw Warcraft III: Reforged — a remaster of Warcraft III with remodeled characters and improved graphics — released in January 2020. However, I’m sure fans will be thrilled if an entirely new game were to be announced.