Riders Republic: Three excellent pieces of gear for your character

Ubisoft /
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Riders Republic by Ubisoft has been out for a little while now and is probably one of the biggest extreme sports games out there in terms of its world. Almost immediately, you’re dropped into a massive playground for adventurers and thrill-seekers.

From there, you take part in the introductory phase where you compete in different events. This is a great way for you to try out all of the sports available. You’ll also have the opportunity to take place in a Mass Race which is absolutely bonkers in Riders Republic.

Essentially, Mass Races are like Battle Royales but in racing form. You battle it out with up to 64 riders at a time (!). These are long relay races so you’ll be switching sports quite a bit. On top of this, there are three rounds, and your placing in each round determines your final result.

But with so much on offer, many might be wondering what gear is the best in the game. Now, I will tell you right off the bat that, anything with a 999 rating is automatically the best. However, there are certain things you can get that are great without you being a seasoned veteran. These are fun for everyone.

Sports represented in Riders Republic include biking, skiing, snowboarding, and even wingsuit flying. These are also broken down a bit. For bikes, you have some that are more meant for racing while others are best for trick-based events. The same goes for snowboarding and skiing too.

As for the wingsuits, you can use wingsuits or you can use a rocket wing which is essentially a jetpack with wings. Again, it just depends on the event and the mood you’re in when exploring the large world which consists of 6 real National Parks including Yosemite and Sequoia (my personal favorite. Love the forest vibes).

But we’re going to dive in a bit and tell you a few excellent pieces of gear you can use. Some you’ll need to unlock while others might already be in your inventory. These are all fun to use and easy to get comfortable with. I will tell you that none of these are “normal”.