Company: Nintendo
System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Controller Name: Nintendo Advantage
At about 8″ by 6″ this guy wasn’t as big as the previous entry by far, but at the size of a mouse pad, it still definitely takes up a good chunk of my writing desk. But there’s a good reason it has always been on my writing desk, I love it so much. From the weird moment the cast from Saved by the Bell was shrunk into a television and Screech found a giant NES Advantage controller to introduce the first episode of Captain N the Game Master, I had to have one.
And yes, that was a real thing. Saved by the Bell once introduced NBC’s entire Saturday Morning Lineup. If you don’t believe me, the NES Advantage part is at around 16:30. I do not forget ANYTHING.
But this controller felt GOOD. Even in games that didn’t need full joystick support like Tetris, felt great when you had this heavy beast at your side. And it was quality too. That one in the picture? That picture was taken today and that’s the one I used as a kid in the 90’s.
It also had a really nice y-shaped cord that allowed you to plug it into both Player 1 AND Player 2 sides so that in games where you took turns you could just flip a switch on the controller and hand it over so that you didn’t need to argue over the “good” controller.