Nintendo dropped a trailer recently showing new footage of Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the brand new 3D Kirby game coming out this year. Not only does it give us a release date and a sneak peak at some of the powers Kirby can get, but it also reveals that there’s co-op gameplay.
Now, to be real with you all, I didn’t have a lot of hope for this game. A Kirby incapable of flight did not feel like a Kirby game and I really didn’t think its abilities translated to a 3D space. I was looking forward to it mostly because I love Nintendo and my kids love Kirby and I thought this would be a great 3D platformer for them since they’ve gotten all they could out of Mario Odyssey and Super Lucky’s Tale.
But y’all, this trailer blew me away. It looks so much better than that initial reveal. Check it out for a second.
Graphically, this looks like what you want a Kirby game to look like. I thought we were gonna get some sort of New Donk City stuff where Kirby looked super out of place but besides the industrial stuff this looks like a world Kirby would exist in and I love it. It looks good. Like, sure, it’s on the Switch so it’s gonna have a couple of jaggies but man, when it’s good it’s good, don’t fight that.
The abilities also look like they work really well on a three-dimensional plane. The driller move looks nice and smooth and…I’m sorry, is one of his abilities just a gun? City life has changed you, dude. It’s weird but I love it.
But the big thing that really got me hyped, outside the fun-looking mini-games (which I really missed from oldest Kirby games) is that co-op. Like, I know Kirby Super Star Allies ruffled some feathers (personally, once you unlock everything I can’t believe how much game is there, but still) but the co-op was pretty great. It was fun to sit down with my six-year-old and play through it and this game looks like it’ll give me that. It actually reminded me of playing multiplayer in something like Skylanders.
It’s surprising, and now that I know that the game comes out the 25th of March, I’ve gone from knowing this game will eventually exist to desperately wanting it to be real and in my Switch right the hell now. Good job on this one. Love to see Kirby come back like this.