Marvel’s Avengers: Is Spider-Man coming to Xbox or PC?

Square Enix
Square Enix

With today’s Patch 2.2 for Marvel’s Avengers, Spider-Man swings into the fray. Unfortunately, the beloved Marvel character is only coming to PlayStation consoles today. But is the web-slinger specifically a timed exclusive character for PS5 and PS4 or will he also be coming to Xbox and PC as well?

Is Spider-Man coming to Xbox and PC in Marvel’s Avengers?

As it currently stands, Spider-Man is PlayStation specific character, meaning he won’t be coming to Xbox or PC. He doesn’t appear to be a timed exclusive either, so the likelihood of him ever coming to consoles outside of PlayStation remains slim.

We don’t know the specifics behind Spider-Man on PlayStation but it likely has something to do with licensing rights for the character. We’ve covered that complicated web of rights extensively in the past if you’re curious.

In speaking to Den of Geek, Crystal Dynamics head Scot Amos noted the relationship between Sony, PlayStation and Marvel. “…there was a unique opportunity for PlayStation fans to be able to have that hero brought to them,” he said. Spidey’s PlayStation exclusivity extends beyond his arrival in Marvel’s Avengers. After all, Sony has now published multiple Spider-Man games that are exclusive to PlayStation.

Unlike the arrival of previous DLC characters in Marvel’s Avengers, Spider-Man isn’t a full-blown expansion. He does come with his own event though and some of Peter Parker’s personality will shine as he fights alongside the Avengers in the “Spider-Man: With Great Power Hero Event.”

Of course, the main attraction in playing as Spider-Man is zipping and swinging around the map with his webs and fighting with his signature acrobatic traversal and combat style, which includes featured usage of his webs to close distances, maneuver enemies to his advantage and entangle enemies with a new Webbed status effect.