Halo Infinite multiplayer: Solid performance on Xbox Series S

ByEthan Roberts|

Halo Infinite’s multiplayer beta recently launched for free on Xbox and PC, and it has been a blast. I have not played a Halo game since Halo: Reach on the Xbox 360, and it feels great to be back.

There has been a ton of hype surrounding the Xbox consoles recently, especially with Halo Infinite’s multiplayer and Forza Horizon 5 recently dropping. Since I have been a PlayStation user for many years, I could not play any of these new games. Thus, about a week ago, I convinced myself to purchase the Xbox Series S, and I have been really enjoying it. Sure, it is not as powerful as the Series X or the PS5, but for $300, this little machine is great.

One of the biggest things I was concerned about, however, was how Halo Infinite would perform on the Series S. After getting used to Call of Duty: Vanguard running at 120fps on the PS5 and recognizing that the Series S is not as powerful as the other next-gen systems, I was a little worried the game would be choppy and wouldn’t run well.

Turns out, I didn’t need to worry about that at all. Halo Infinite’s multiplayer beta runs great at a really stable 60fps. I must admit, however, that there are some points where I can see a slight stutter, such as when I reload the Skewer weapon. All the places where it very slightly drops, however, are definitely not game-breaking.

Since I just recently got the Series S, I was not around to experience the previous betas. I have seen a lot of posts and comments about how Halo Infinite previously had a 120fps mode on the Series S, and it does make me very slightly sad that the 120fps option isn’t currently available. Who knows, maybe it will get added later. Until then, however, the 60fps on the Series S is still phenomenal.

Here are two tips to get the best performance on the Series S. These two items can be found within Halo Infinite’s settings.

  • Set the Graphics Quality (under Settings -> Video) to Performance.
  • Turn Blur and Screen Shake (under Settings -> Video) to 0%, or at least very low.
    • Turning Blur and Screen Shake off makes the game look a lot better.

    Overall, I am very pleased with how Halo Infinite performs on the Xbox Series S. Would 120fps be nice? Absolutely it would, but it already performs great. I am looking forward to playing the Campaign in a few weeks, but for now, the multiplayer is keeping me busy.