Animal Crossing: New Horizons introduces Nook Friday because we live in the worst timeline


When Animal Crossing: New Horizons released it’s 2.0 update, it added an insane amount of stuff. Farming, gyroids, the return of fan-favorite coffee shop, “The Roost”. And that’s ignoring the paid DLC part of it which introduced the excellent Happy Home Paradise which provides an insane new arsenal of tools you can use to customize with. As someone who covers Animal Crossing regularly, I thought I had hit about all the new things added to the game so I was pretty surprised when I logged on last night during the “Turkey Day” event and found that there’s be an event immediately afterward.

As someone who spent way too much of my life as a Gamestop employee, I knew what this was going to be the second I found out there was to be an event. It’s a Black Friday style event called “Nook Friday” in which everything sold is 30% off.

As someone who was literally up for most of Thanksgiving Thursday night having a severe PTSD  attack in which I was mentally reliving every gun, knife, and physical beating I took working for Gamestop. My mind had actually convinced me that even though I’ve been gone from that company, I was going to be called in any moment and be forced to work that day. So seeing this in my comfort game was a weird mix of “oh, a new event” and “oh, this is horrific”.

But during the Turkey Day event, I encountered a message on the bulletin board letting me know that there was going to be a massive “Nook Friday” sale from November 26th through 30th.


This really isn’t so much even an “event” as it is a sale but during this time everything in the Nook store is 30% off. Unfortunately, the store does not have an increased inventory during this time so you get about three random items a day from the game’s over 1000 items. Also, the sales do not apply to their online store which is a bigger bummer because some of the new stuff is pricey.

And you want to get as much of it as possible because they combine so many interesting ways. For example, a “Science Tube” with a disco light clipping through it on the ceiling and a custom polish put on the thing on the middle and create a really bizarre centerpiece like this. Best of luck in getting what you want from the store.