Nintendo Switch Online: Cheats, codes and secrets for SEGA games

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Nintendo Switch Online: Cheats, codes and secrets for SEGA games
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Contra: Hard Corps

  • Seventy Lives
    • From the main menu, grab the second controller and press C, B, A, right, left three times. You’ll hear a noise if you did it correctly.
  • Level Select Menu
    • Again, from the main menu with the second controller press left, right, A, B, C three times. You’ll hear a noise and you’ll be able to enter a menu where you can pick a stage.
  • Get All Weapons
    • Any time during gameplay, pause the game and press the following on the main controller, up, up, down, down, A, up, up, down, down, B, up, up, down, down, C.
  • The Best (or Worst) Ending
    • My personal favorite, in the junkyard stage you’ll make your way to the base. Instead of going in, climb up and over the wall. You’ll talk to a bizarre character and get whisked away to a bizarre hidden stage where you have to fight equally bizarre bosses giving you a truly bizarre ending.

Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine

  • Hop directly to Dr. Robotnik
    • For Easy Mode enter – Yellow Bean, Has Bean (orange), Blue Bean, Blue Bean
    • For Hard Mode enter – Has Bean, Clean Bean, Purple Bean, Has Bean
    • For Hardest Mode enter – Red Bean, Red Bean, Clean Bean, Yellow Bean
  • Mess with the title
    • Hitting the A, B, or C buttons on your controller will make the letters in MEAN jump about.
    • Hitting the A, B, or C buttons on the second controller with do the same for the word BEAN


  • Five Extra Lives
    • Pause and press; right, down, right, down, left, up, left, up, B, C, A, and then start.
  • Full Upgrades
    • Pause and press; B, B, C, B, B, C, up, down, and then A.
  • Get Twenty Options
    • Pause and press; up, up, up, down, down, down, left, left, left, right, right, right, C, C, B, A, and then start.

Phantasy Star IV

Not a lot here.

  • Music Test
    • After you beat the game (good luck) press B on the start screen.
  • Get the Cyber-Suit
    • When you get access to the Hydrofoil, use it to find “Soldier’s Temple”. A guy named Seth will join your party. Unequip him of his armor to get the Cyber-Suit for yourself. Just do it sooner than later because eventually he turns on you and leaves your party.