Nintendo Switch Online: Cheats, codes and secrets for SEGA games

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Nintendo Switch Online: Cheats, codes and secrets for SEGA games

Ecco the Dolphin

  • Super Cheat Menu
    • Tricky bit here is you got to pause the game mid-turn so Ecco is looking directly at you. If you did it, hit Right, C, B, C, B, down, C, up to be taken to a stage with a ton of different options including a level select.
  • Infinite Sonar and Air
    • Go to where you enter codes and enter the code “SHARKFIN”.
    • Invincibily
      • After you enter a code successfully you’ll reenter the stage. While that screen is up hold down Start and A until you can move. If you did it right you should be invincible.
      • Castlevania: Bloodlines

        • Unlock Level Select and Nine Lives
          • From the sound test set the BGM to 05 and the SE to 073. Play both and then go back and wait for the “Press Start” screen. Enter the famous Konami code; up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start. If you did this correctly you’ll hear a noise. Go into options and you’ll see the ability to select a stage and you’ll have the extra lives.

          Golden Axe

          • Level Select
            • When you go into arcade mode and are at the character select screen, hold down and left on the D+pad and then hit B and start at the same time. You’ll see a little number in the top left corner. Hitting up or down will allow to cycle through the numbers until you’re at the stage you want.
          • Nine Continues
            • Again, at the arcade mode character select you’re going to hold down and left on the D+pad but this time hit A, C, and start at the same time. If you did it correctly, next time you have to continue you’ll see 9 continues instead of the standard 3.
            • Strider

              Not many codes for this one.

              • Three Continues
                • During the intro press A, C, B, C, A, and then start.
              • Invincibility
                • At the title screen press up, down, right, left, A, B, B, A, C, and then start.