Yoshi’s Story
- Unlock Black and White Yoshis
- Black Yoshi can be found in a hidden giant egg in both stages 2-1 and in 2-4
- White Yoshi can be found in a hidden giant egg in both stages 3-2 and in 3-3
- Different endings
- There are four different Happy Tree endings based off whether your final score is -10,000, +10,000, +20,000, +30,000
- Unalive Yoshi
- If you’re stuck and can’t think of a way out of a stage, or are just dark, you can press L, Z, A, and B at the same time to off your character
- Pet cow
- One of my weird favorites. Beat the Lon Lon Ranch race in under :49 seconds and you’ll find your own cow for your treehouse
- Playing Epona’s Song by it (or any cow) will fill up an empty bottle in your inventory with Lon Lon Milk
- Create fairies
- Touching butterflies with the deku stick will magically turn them into healing fairies
- ReDead Boot Goofin
- Wearing the Iron Boots around ReDead, while feeling like something that absolutely shouldn’t work, will make them not notice you. They’ll just go about their business.
- Cheat codes! (Enter these at the title screen quickly before it cuts to the demo) (Note that + means you gotta hit both buttons at the same time)
- Health refill
- L, C-Up + C-Left, C-Down + C-Right, C-Right + C-Left, C-Up + C-Down, C-Right + C-Left, L + Start (Once you get the code working, your health will refill when you hit L during the game)
- Maximum Power Mode
- L, C-right, C-left, C-right, C-left, C-down, C-up, C-down, C-up. Then hold L and Start. (This will start you fully upgraded)
- Unlock all Multi-player characters
- Up, Down, Down, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, Left, then hold C-Up and Start.
- Big Head Mode
- R, L, R, L, R, R, R, L, Start
- Health refill
WinBack: Covert Operations
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time