5 Marvel characters that deserve their own game

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For all the superhero games that have existed, the closest we’ve ever had to a game focused on a protagonist with superpowers — if you don’t could the Life is Strange games as superhero games (despite the fact they kind of are but that’s not a topic for her) — was Infamous: First Light in 2014. And I mean a game that has a singular protagonist with a story their own.

Now, I’m not talking about the Rogue of the 1990s that fighting game fans are familiar with. Not the starry-eyed, “I wish I could touch y’all Remy” Rogue. I’m talking about the remarkably badass Rogue that recently ran the damn Avengers, Rogue — the character who is quite possibly the most powerful character in the Marvel Universe if written correctly. And while you may say Captain Marvel is, I remind you Rogue can only fly because she whooped Captain Marvel’s ass and took her flight powers.

Let’s look at her abilities. She can fly. She has a power level of 100 which is up there with Hulk. She’s nigh-invulnerable. She’s immortal. She’s immune to aging, disease, fatigue and has no need for food, air, or water. She’s got super speed and agility. She also has the ability to steal memories, powers and strength from people simply by coming into physical contact with them. And, if someone manages to somehow click her powers off, she was also trained in hand-to-hand combat and gymnastics by Gambit and taught to be a capable sword fighter by Nightcrawler. Depending on the writer, she also maintains Carol Danver’s knowledge of espionage and military training. That is a lot.

And those skills would make for an excellent game.

Think something along the lines of Prototype where, depending on how you play, you have a slightly different powerset than another player who goes about things differently. There could be a Rogue who punches their way into a facility and fights their way through scored of goons. There could also be a Rogue who tracked down one of the enemies off the clock and managed to touch them and absorb the memories of access codes and things of that sort.