Miitopia is awash with classes both standard like mage, cleric and warrior to bizarre like cat, pop star and a tank role that literally makes you a tank! But beyond the main jobs that you unlock over time there’s actually some jobs you don’t unlock until you beat the game’s Dark Lord and experience the “end game” content of Miitopia!
Today we’re going to go over how to get the “Vampire” job class that, for all intents and purposes, kinda makes you a vampire!
Note: As this discusses end-game stuff, don’t read on if you don’t want spoilers.
So after you beat the Dark Lord (but not the game) you unlock the Travelers’ Hub. This is a city you can walk around in that has a bunch of NPCs that give you quests. One of the cool things with this is that if there are not enough main story quests to take up all the NPCs, you’ll have NPCs that offer new side quests every 24 hours. Eventually, if you’re lucky, you’ll encounter this fancy person in a top hat and suit. You don’t have to guess hard if this is a vampire because even if you don’t figure it out, it’ll literally be in their name when you talk to them.

He’ll tell you that his house is haunted and he needs your help. Accept the quest and you’ll have to head to his mansion where you’ll have to engage in a small map filled with treasure and ghostly enemies until you make your way into the far back where you’ll engage the “Pop-up Puppet”.

This isn’t really that bad of a boss. I thought it was going to be a lot harder but I beat it in a few turns despite the fact that one of my team members had just switched jobs and were back down to a lower level.
Beat it and the vampire is so pleased that he presents you with a treasure that’s been in the family forever, the “Bat Charm”.
There’s nothing you need to do with this item. It’s not something that’s equipable or anything like that. But, eventually, you’ll get back to an Inn and the first time your character tries to go to sleep the charm will activate and, well, here…
Once this scene happens you’re welcome to switch any and all characters into a Vampire! I went with the main character because I wanted to ultimate horse attack that makes the horse grow large black wings and summon a wave of bats but that’s just me.
The class takes a little bit of work to level up but when you do it’s a really cool class that gives you abilities like “Curse” where bats attack any enemy that attacks you. An ability to rise from the dead if you’re taken out. And then one of the most useful, especially in larger fights, “Poison Mist”. It’s a literal cloud of death you blow out.

Another cool thing is that your character’s weapon is a bat. When you use the weapon you summon a bat that flies across the screen and hits every enemy so it’s a fun one to have. Honestly, I just like it because as my characters are walking around, my guy is just floating like Superman trying to look tough.
Now go unlock this class and enjoy it and…try not to focus on the fact that when you defeat the Pop-up Puppet, a literal decayed corpse falls out from inside it for a split second. Nope. Let’s not think about that.