Do you have what it takes to be the very best no one ever was? Are you a huge Pokemon fan? Do you play Pokemon Go every day? If you answered yes to all these questions, this contest is for you!
The most amazing news for Pokemon trainers young and old has finally arrived for a shared dream that they all have. For the first time in Pokmon gaming history, a trainer has the opportunity to be featured as a character in the Pokemon series! Niantic and Pokemon Go is holding a contest to feature non-playable characters during the Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event so that these characters can be battled on the day of the event. The trainer participating during the hours of the event will be battling these characters to make Pokemon Go feel like Pokemon Red or Pokemon Green version for the day. What makes the significance of these trainers different from Battle League? The NPC in Pokemon Go for the exclusive event can be you to be commemorated for the special event!
Niantic knows that anyone that has played any generation of Pokemon, that any of the gaming audience of Pokemon would love to be featured in any of the main core game series. Even Pokemon fans that have been watching since the original animated series about Ash and Pikachu touring Kanto with Misty and Brock, wanted to be featured in the Pokemon world in some sort of fashion. The timing can only be so perfect with the Pokemon anniversary drawing near to celebrate twenty-five years of Pokemon being carried on for all these years. Now is no better time than ever to be a Pokemon fan, especially when any trainer can take advantage of this contest to be featured in the popular Pokemon Go app!

The rules of the contest are simple for anyone to follow. First, the trainer needs to go to the official Twitter page of Pokemon Go in order to submit their entry to be featured in the game for the day event. The trainer must submit a screenshot of their trainer profile that includes the trainer name, the trainer’s avatar, and their outfit so that Niantic knows what design to feature in the game. Following that, the entry must include a list of three Pokemon only found in the Kanto region and no other continent from the Pokemon world. This makes sense because the event is exclusive to the Kanto region only, and the feel of the game is trying to be more like Pokemon Red and Green Version. The selected Pokemon cannot feature and Mythical or Legendary Pokemon found in Kanto; which includes Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, and Mew. Ditto cannot also be a selection for the trainer to use for their list, so choose wisely when making your selection of trainers! Finally, the entry must include the hashtag #PokemonGOTourContest in order for the entry to count towards submission. Without that, the trainer’s entry will not be decided as an entry featured during the events of Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto.
Niantic will be making quite the judging committee in order to select which trainers they want to be featured on the Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event. The judges will be looking into the creativity of the trainer’s avatar outfit, looking to see if everything goes with the theme of the trainer. The theme of the trainer will be focused on if their party will be made by type orientation of the Pokemon or based on their stats on how powerful the Pokemon is. Judging by this assessment, the creators will make the trainers featured like one of the characters like a Lass or Camper trainer class from the original games. The Pokemon team composition will also be assessed based on how the Pokemon team meshes together for the trainer, making everything uniform for the trainer to be a model sample of an NPC.
Remember, Trainers—you don’t need to have a team of strong Pokémon to win the #PokemonGOTourContest! We’re looking for Trainers with strong themes and judging on creativity and originality!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) January 6, 2021
Trainers will have until before midnight PST on Monday, January 11, 2021, to make their entry submitted to the Pokemon GO Twitter page. The competition will definitely be popular in the selection process. Aside from making haste on a character, trainers should also have a good idea of what they want to submit to the developers at Niantic. The full rules of the contest can also be found here so that trainers have a better understanding of the contest.
A trainer does not need to purchase tickets for the Pokemon GO Tour: Kanto event in order to see and challenge these trainers during the hours of the event. For the ones that do, the event will be taking place on February 20, 2021, as the anniversary date is one week following the date of the event. Trainers can purchase a ticket for the day event through the in-game shop and purchase a ticket for $11.99 (or whatever equivalent) if they are looking to participate. The hours of the event that take place will be an all-day affair on the select date and will not go any second past the 20th. On the day of the event, the trainer will be making the selection to have their experience very much like Pokemon Red or Green Version, selecting one color or the other and making their Pokemon Go experience much like the original core games.
This contest is perfect advertising to get more trainers excited for the in-game event that celebrates the anniversary of Pokemon. It also motivates trainers to invest in the ticket for the event sooner, for if they purchase the ticket before January 13th, they will have a free ticket to participate in January Community Day that features Machop. Trainers all over the world will be more than excited to participate in this contest to see if they are a character in Pokemon Go. After all, it is not like every day someone can say that they were selected to be featured in a video game; making this a chance of a lifetime for trainers to take advantage of. Not to mention, something to always cherish when celebrating the anniversary of Pokemon that just this year, but many years to come! Good luck trainers, hopefully, your profile is selected!