Events for November in Pokemon Go that trainers should mark down on their calendars so they remember to participate in the scheduled events.
The official autumn harvest months have hit their peaked after the month of October and the Halloween events that celebrated different Ghost-type Pokemon like Gengar and Giratina. With the final month of the season approaching, November will have plenty of events for trainers to participate in Pokemon Go. From events that will still linger with the spirit of Halloween to a Community Day that fans did not see coming for the last events of the year. The creators at Niantic continue to surprise their general audience in order to make sure that trainers are still having fun playing the popular app.
Day of the Dead Celebration
From international news for Pokemon Go, this was an interesting piece of news to share about the festive side of October that is carrying over to November. Dia de los Muertos or translated to “Day of the Dead” is the celebration of the afterlife in Latin countries; and Pokemon Go planned to carry over the celebration during the days of the planned festival. In Latin based countries, special Ghost-type Pokemon will be available for trainers to catch from the first night on Oct. 31 to the final hours of Nov. 2. There will be frequent spawning of Pokemon that wear skulls in their sprite, so be on the lookout for more Duskull and both forms of Marowak. It is uplifting to see international events carry out in Pokemon Go for trainers everywhere after a hectic time that trainers have been putting up with all year.

Animation Week Celebrated in November
The celebration of the new animated series chapter for Pokemon will be an extension of special research in Pokemon Go in November! The Netflix series of Pokemon Journey: The Series will have a special event carry out from Nov. 6 to Nov. 12 in the first major event that is worldwide in Pokemon Go. Pokemon that are featured in the anime will be appearing more frequently in the wild, including a Pikachu with a World Cap for trainers to interact and catch. From the starting date, Lugia will appear in the Legendary-leveled raids for the entirety of the week, with the charged move Aeroblast; the signature move of the Pokemon. Other raids and special-timed research will include other bonuses that are from the acclaimed series on Netflix. Trainers will also be able to purchase new avatar upgrades that will look like the accessories Goh wears on the show. Trainers will have fun accomplishing this research and participating in the events that are inspired by Pokemon Journey: The Series.
November Spotlight Hours
Every Tuesday has featured a miniature Community Day-like event that shares a spotlight of a Pokemon for an hour during the evening hours of 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. to wherever the trainer plays. The events for November for these spotlight hours will carry on starting on Nov. 3 all the way to the final Tuesday on Nov. 24. The first event will feature Cubone and the opportunity to acquire double stardust when actively participating. The second Tuesday on Nov. 10 will feature Jigglypuff with double the experience points for trainers. On Nov. 17, Meowth will be featured with the chance to double catch candy. This has not concluded the idea that Kantonean Meowth will be the only Meowth available. The final Tuesday of November will include Barboach and the opportunity to double transfer candy for Pokemon that are transferred. Every single spotlight hour gives the trainer a better chance of catching a shiny version of any of these Pokemon.
November Community Days
For the first time in the history of the app, Pokemon Go will feature two Community Days for the month of November. The first one will take place on Nov. 15 and will be featuring Electabuzz, with the opportunity for the trainer to evolve their Pokemon to Electivire that can learn Flamethrower. The second Community Day will take place on Nov. 21 and will feature Magmar. Trainers that evolve their Pokemon to Magmortar will have the opportunity to learn Thunderbolt. An interesting concept with signature moves of the Pokemon given to the final evolutions of the Pokemon for their charged attack. Magby and Elekid will be eligible to hatch from 2km eggs during the hours of the Community Days, which are normally 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. varying on the trainer’s time zone. Of course, the opportunity to catch shiny versions of these Pokemon are more likely when you see more of them during Community Day. Other events and special research will take place during the hours of both Community Days for the trainer to accomplish.

Those are the early events that have been decided for the month of November for trainers to take advantage of. There is still time to announce that what other legendary Pokemon that will be featured in five-star raids other than Lugia during Animation Week. It is common to see a new Pokemon every week, especially right before it changes during Legendary Raid Hour held on Wednesday evenings. The first for multiple Community Days being celebrated by Niantic is a first that could be a great research experiment, especially if trainers are tired of voting who they would like to catch on Community Day. There should be more research focused on the primary holiday of November, which includes Thanksgiving. There is also the wait for the announcement of Pokemon Home being accessible to Pokemon Go for when the connection for trainers to finally use that. Trainers have been anticipating that connection since the latest Pokemon Direct held not too long ago. November will have plenty of events for trainers to get ready for the final month in December and Pokemon Go.