6 super important questions about Super Mario Sunshine

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Are we sure Super Mario 64 is a better game?

Remember when I said that I didn’t want to make this a typical hot-take styled article? I lied. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a misdirection (and also just bad writing, probably. Sorry about that).

I will concede that Super Mario 64 is a more important game, but I’m not sure if it plays as well by today’s standards. Yes, Super Mario Sunshine has its fair share of puzzling level-design choices, but let’s not act like the camera issues are totally nonexistent with the Nintendo 64 classic.

Super Mario Sunshine is just flat-out weird, but that may be its most defining and lovable quality. It exudes a resplendent personality despite having a more limited setting than other games. It’s bold, innovative, and groovy as hell; not only one of my favorite Mario games ever, but one of my favorite games of all-time.

Could that be generational bias talking? Absolutely, but it’s better to embrace our unique tastes in media, even if we end up getting roasted for it.