6 super important questions about Super Mario Sunshine

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Is the Sirena Beach hotel the weirdest level in a 3D Mario game?

Look, man, we all know there’s gotta be some hotels that are haunted, right? I mean, you’ve seen all the movies, and we all know they’re the beacons of truth. Super Mario Sunshine takes those completely unparanoid suspicious and throws it right back into our faces.

There’s not only a ton of the classic Boo’s in this level but also pink Boo’s that turn into platforms once you spray them with water. There’s a bathroom with slime dripping from the ceiling, creepy paintings shaped like Boo’s, a Casino with a roulette wheel that takes you to where a King Boo lives, electric slime, and even a groovy soundtrack. It’s peak weirdness, I tell ya.

It’s also the perfect Halloween-themed level that Nintendo is too much of a coward to give us. Can’t say the same for Sega and Sonic, who is famously not a coward, thanks to their Pumpkin Hill level (with an absolutely killer soundtrack) in Sonic Adventure 2.