Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout: 10 costume collaborations we want to see

Devolver Digital
Devolver Digital
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Stranger Things

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about myself, it’s that I crave Stranger Things content in everything. Fortnite did this right with skins for Hopper and the Demogorgon. If I could throw Hopper’s mustache and Hawaiian shirt from Season 3 onto my character in Fall Guys, that would be awesome.

Star Trek

There’s a lot of new Star Trek available right now, and that’s a good thing. Picard and Discovery have been really good, Lower Decks is in its second week as something truly different for Star Trek, and a new spin-off series starring Discovery Season 2’s Pike, Spock and Number One called Strange New Worlds is in development. Fall Guys seems like a perfect fit for Star Trek to get their classic yellow, red and blue uniforms (like the one Pike and Spock where in Discovery Season 2) into a really popular video game.