Riot Games has given us our first look at Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Set 4.
With Set 3 of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) winding down, Riot Games has provided a road map for the future of the auto-battler. In a dev video released this week, TFT lead producer, TJ (aka Green Teej), provided a brief rundown on what players can look forward to with Set 4 and beyond.
Set 4 Start Date
TJ reiterated Riot’s plan moving forward will follow the same cadence as Set 3. The developer plans to release a major set every six months with a mid-set update in between.
With that said, the next major set will be introduced in September and run through April. The mid-set update will come in January.
Set 4 is expected to arrive in September. Although Riot did not give an exact date. However, there are still five weeks and three days remaining in the current set. This would put the end of Set 3 (Galaxies) on September 16.
It’s possible Set 4 could go live immediately on that patch day (Patch 10.19). That would likely mean Set 4 arrives on the PBE with Patch 10.18 on September 2, giving Riot two full weeks of testing before going live. Ranked play will probably wait a week or two before going live as people learn the new champions and traits.

Riot strongly alluded to Set 4’s theme being Spirit Blossom, a current crossover event running in League of Legends and Legends of Runeterra right now. Although the limited event has only been running since late January, the overall look and feel of it have been met with a positive response from the communities.
The event is all about celebrating the mythic power and history of Ionia. Specifically, the Spirit Blossom Festival honors those who have passed. Of the event, Riot explains:
"The Spirit Blossom Festival brings with it the chance to forge new bonds and interact with champions channelling the spirits from beyond our world."
Back to Teamfight Tactics, it seems Set 4 will be heavily inspired by this theme, with Riot teasing a very whimsical arena map. Green Teej explained
"“In September we’re taking Pengu and on a journey to distant lands, where the strength of their spirits will blossom, and their devotion to the gods will be tested. They will run into some familiar friends of the past, and encounter new enemies from far-off kingdoms, all in the hopes to revel under the blood moon with the friends they have chosen along the way.”"
Champions & Traits

Riot didn’t reveal any specific traits, but the mention of Kingdoms could be a reference to the Warring Kingdoms or Mecha Kingdom skins lines in League of Legends. There was also mention of the blood moon, which also has a League skin line with over a dozen champions.
These traits would make sense considering Elise and Azir were shown. Among the list of champions teased to be featured in Set 4 were new and returning favorites, including:
- Azir (Warring Kingdoms)
- Elise (Blood Moon)
- Janna (Sacred Sword)
- Jinx (Firecracker)
- Kennen
- Lee Sin (God Fist)
- Lulu
- Yasuo (Spirit Blossom)
Specific League champions that got new Spirit Blossom skins also include:
- Lillia (new)
- Yasuo
- Vayne
- Teemo
- Thresh
- Ahri
- Yone
- Cassiopeia
- Riven
- Kindred
And of course, the list of Blood Moon champions is quite lengthy as well. Some of these champions have already made their Teamfight Tactics debut so it’s possible they could be refreshed for Set 4.
Despite how much I’ve enjoyed TFT: Galaxies, I’m ready for a complete reset. Spirit Blossom looks so completely different from the current set with bright colors and whimsical maps. I only hope that the champions don’t all blend together as they’ve sometimes done in previous sets.