Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout (A Parent Review): The ultimate playground

Devolver Digital
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Fall Guys
Devolver Digital /

Fall Guys through the play of a six-year-old

I handed the controller off to Damian, 6, and was excited to see him get See-Saw as well. He had seen how the stage is supposed to go and had an idea in his head of how he thought his run was going to go. It didn’t go that way, however.

He doesn’t have my storied history of platformers so the concept of the platforming see-saw was new to him. He figured it was something that rocked back and forth and he just had to wait for it, little did he know how physics-based it was.

While waiting for his half to come back up, despite me trying to explain to him, the platform tilted steeper and steeper. I’m not sure how his character didn’t slide off but lord if every character that made it to that slope after him didn’t slide off into the void below. It was a massacre and he loved it. I want to believe this doesn’t speak to his character but he’s got my wicked streak.

Eventually, he tried my advice and started making progress. He’s a six-year-old new to video games and I’m 40 and have been gaming since I was two. Needless to say, there was a skill divide.