Pokemon Sword and Shield: Getting started in Isle of Armor


Exploring Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield’s new Isle of Armor

Following the release of Pokemon Sword and Shield‘s first expansion, we’re exploring Isle of Armor. Obviously, you’ll have to first purchase the expansion pass and once you do, it’s surprisingly easy to get to Isle of Armor. Once you update your game to it’s most recent version you’ll want to head to the town of Wedgehurst. From there you’ll want to go to the train station.

The conductor will ask you if you want to use your Armor Pass to head to the Isle of Armor. Of course, you pick yes and a neat cutscene occurs where you are flown across the ocean to the small island that, up until now, everyone has failed to mention even exists.

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor

Upon arrival, you are introduced to your rival for the expansion. If you have Pokemon Shield, it’s the psychic type gym leader in training, Avery. If you have Pokemon Sword, you’ll meet the poison type gym leader in training, Klara. Avery is a pompous showman with a massive ego, while Klara comes off as a sweetheart pop star. Both of them will scheme behind your back to get you removed from the dojo challenge as they both consider you to be a threat to their reputation.

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor

The world itself presents you with many exciting things right out of the gate. Pokemon that weren’t previously available, like Rockruff and Dedenne, are running around waiting to be captured. As I rode my water bike over the ocean I actually encountered a Wailord fully to scale before swimming up to its massive eye and challenging it.

In addition, the game adds a fun list of extra things to the game that makes it more enjoyable. A collector of Alolan Diglets accidentally lost 151 Digletts on the island and it’s up to you to find all of them by looking for three hairs sticking out of the ground.

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor

A new machine called the Cram-O-Matic lets you take four items you don’t need and recycle them into a new item. This feature also adds a phenomenal return to one of my favorite things ever, the Apricorns. Collecting Apricorns and bringing them to the machine lets you craft rare Pokeballs.

Pokemon Sword and Shield - Isle of Armor

I’m still just scratching the surface of Pokemon Sword and Shield‘s new expansions but if this is all it drops on you right out the gate I’m really excited to go back to the Island.