PlayStation 5: Five best-looking PS5 games revealed so far

Square Enix
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#2. Horizon Zero Dawn 2: Forbidden West

For my money, the best game of 2017, the best new IP of this generation, and arguably the best game to appear on a PlayStation console is Horizon Zero Dawn. It looked incredible, had some amazing combat, and an intriguing world to explore. But there were two key things so many other games that share these traits often fall short on that were two of Horizon Zero Dawn‘s biggest strengths: a great protagonist and an even better story. As Aloy, you uncover the incredible mystery of what happened to the earth thousands of years ago, and what you discover is both incredible and heartbreaking on so many levels.

It was fairly obvious that a sequel was coming at some point giving Horizon Zero Dawn’s massive critical and commercial success and we had a really good look at the highly anticipated follow-up, Horizon Zero Dawn 2: Forbidden West at the PlayStation 5 showcase. What we saw was pretty incredible to be sure. New land, new tribes, new robot dinosaurs and other robot animals.

But honestly, I’m most intrigued by the story of Aloy trying to save her land from what seems like a devastating (robot-based?) plague and what is behind it. Is it going to be as shocking as the mysteries in the first game? Well, most likely not but it should be incredible and there will be lots to discover as we delve deeper in the technologically advanced but doomed previous generation and see what other mechanical beasts Aloy will have to face. There was no release window even hinted at so odds are Horizon Zero Dawn 2: Forbidden West won’t be a PlayStation 5 launch title but I’d put good money on us playing it next holiday season.