PlayStation 5: Five best-looking PS5 games revealed so far

Square Enix
Square Enix
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Here are five games that stood out during the PS5 reveal event

The wait has felt like forever, especially with recent events and the trickle of information has been slow. However, this week we finally saw some really solid footage of Sony’s next-generation video game console, the PlayStation 5. We saw the PS5 hardware, we got concrete details on the controller and, most importantly, we saw some games.

Over a couple dozen games were revealed for the PlayStation 5, many sporting actual gameplay. Some were surprises. Some were disappointing.  Some were downright weird, but we got a real good idea of what kinds of games — big and small — we might be seeing on the PlayStation 5.

There are still plenty of questions surrounding the console itself but the event was mostly focused on the games and so that is what we will also focus on. Here are our five favorite games revealed during the PlayStation 5 showcase.

#5. Kena: Bridge of Spirits

In addition to some very big games, the PlayStation 5 showcase did have plenty of looks of smaller, more out-there titles. Out of the not so big names, a game that really stuck out was Kena: Bridge of Spirits. 

The game might not quite be on the same technical level of the really heavy hitters, but it just shows how important character design and art direction can be. Even if that it’s obvious this is a smaller game than, say, a new Spider-Man or Horizon Zero Dawn, the art direction and how great all the characters we saw looked makes it seem like it’s right up there with them.

I instantly want to see what you can do with these furry little creatures that follow Kena around like Pikmin. I want to explore this impressive jungle world and partake in the pretty awesome-looking combat. It also helps that while this clearly deals with some serious subject matter, it’s incredibly bright and colorful in an era where games often still feel like they have to dull their colors.

Granted, this is judging from just a two-minute trailer, but Kena: Bridge of Spirits looks to be something that’s a mix of Ori and the Blind Forest and Horizon Zero Dawn and that is a combination I am very much here for.