Animal Crossing: New Horizons: How to do the newest item duplication trick


There’s a new item duplication trick in Animal Crossing: New Horizons and it’s a great way to earn Bells quickly and easily.

Before getting into this, please note that there are rumors that doing this duplication trick in Animal Crossing: New Horizons corrupts your save file. There is absolutely no proof of this but, you know, check yourself before you wreck yourself.

As I mentioned, a new item duplication trick for Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been discovered earlier this week. It’s surprisingly easier than the previous duplication trick that Nintendo had patched out and is so easy to do that I’d be stunned if this article is up for 24 hours before Nintendo patches this one.

Okay, so you’re going to need three things for this.

  • A 2X2 table
  • A 2×1 table
  • A 2×1 object that can go ON the 2×1 table.
    • Great White Shark Model
    • Whale Shark Model
    • Oarfish Model
    • Ocean Sunfish Model
    • Arapaima Model
    • Katana
    • LCD TV (50 in.)
    • Chemistry Set

    As you can see in the pictures, I went with the LCD TV (50 in.) because if I’m going to experiment with this, I want to make some bells and this thing is worth a bit.

    Step One

    With the ingredients in your pockets open the room editor.

    Step Two

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons duplication trick

    Place the 2×2 table in the middle of the room. You want to make sure you’re not close to any walls. Place the 2×1 right in front of it. Place the 2×1 item on the 2×1 table.

    Step Three

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons duplication trick

    Carefully pick up the table with the object on it and put it to the side of the table like shown below so it overlaps about half way. Let go of the button. If you did it correctly it’ll rotate 90 degrees to get out of the way of the big table. Go around the big table picking up the smaller one and dropping it so it rotates. Do it over and over again until you’ve gone around the table.

    Step Four

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons duplication trick

    Once you’re confident in your droppings (hehe) go ahead and leave the room and come right back. You’ll see the item now has a few random duplicates floating off the edge of the table. Enter room editor again and pick them up. It can be tricky depending on where they appeared but you’ll get it.

    Step Five

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons duplication trick

    Enjoy. You can sell them, you can make a room full of TV’s, you can clone the chemistry lab and turn your basement into Heisenberg’s lab. Do what you want until a day or two from now when Nintendo patches this.