Xbox Series X: 5 games we want to see during Thursday’s Inside Xbox

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Halo Infinite

I don’t think I can stress how badly Halo Infinite needs to be shown at this Inside Xbox event. Even if it’s supposed to focus on third-party offerings, with everything in the world sort of in upheaval right now, games (and lots of other media) are getting delayed. In my humble opinion, Microsoft needs to put out a strong statement that if nothing else, the Xbox Series X will launch with the long-awaited latest chapter in the Halo saga, Halo Infinite. There are few better ways to do that than with a brand new trailer at this week’s Inside Xbox episode.

On top of that, while Halo is certainly still a very popular brand, the last couple entries were not nearly as warmly received as the first three core games in the series. Halo Infinite is a very pivotal entry in the series. It is arguably do or die time for 343 Industries in regards to the Master Chief story. So, if they really think they are up to the challenge, a great gameplay trailer months before the Xbox Series X launches with a confirmation that it is, in fact,  a launch title is the way to go.

I really think this Inside Xbox needs Halo Infinite to be there or people will wonder why it wasn’t when it’s Microsoft’s strongest card they are holding at the moment. It can open or close the show, but it needs to be there.

And that’s five games we would like to see running on Xbox Series X Hardware, specifically during this Thursday’s episode of Inside Xbox alongside anticipated titles such as Assassin’s Creed: Vikings, which as of right now is the only confirmed game to be shown. What titles would you like to see? Let us know in the comments!