Animal Crossing: New Horizons: How to raise your Happy Home Academy (HHA) rating

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Feng Shui

You’re going to want to get a pen for this one. Feng Shui is a mechanic that has been in the Animal Crossing games since the very first one. It’s one of the most complex mechanics the game has to offer and, if you spend some time with it can actually be fun to figure out.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is considered a form of “geomancy” so, congrats, pull this off and you’re technically a magician. It involves placing items of various colors in your home to increase luck in different areas of life. It can get pretty complex. Luckily, Animal Crossing: New Horizons breaks it down to just a few principles but, believe it or not, this can affect your entire game, even outside the home, so you’ll want to do this.

Also, please bear in mind that this only applies to the main room of your home. You can do whatever with the others.

First things first, make sure the middle of the floor is open. You want an open floor plan for this. Any items you place in your room need to be no more than two grid spaces away from the wall.

Now let’s get into color placement.

Placing green items along the bottom of your room increases your general luck. It can be catching rarer fish to special colors of flowers blooming more often.

Placing yellow items against the left wall can help you get more bells. This includes coins from rocks, money shaken from trees or dropped from balloons, things of that nature.

Placing red items against the right wall can help you with items. This can include getting rarer items from balloon drops, having villagers give you gifts more often, more furniture from tree shakes. All that fun stuff.

You spend some time and make this look nice it’s not going to be a MASSIVE bonus to your HHA score (though it will definitely give you a bonus) but it will help your entire game so give it a go.

So those are all the bonuses I’ve cataloged so far, but if you’d like to read more of our extensive Animal Crossing: New Horizons guides and coverage make sure to click here for an incredible index.