Animal Crossing: New Horizons: 8 subtle features you may have missed

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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When you catch bugs and fish and place them like items, more often than not you’ll get them in a fish tank or insect cage. Or, in the case of a large fish, like an oarfish, it’s a massive above ground pool.

Turtles are something special though. Place a snapping turtle as an item and you get… a snapping turtle. It stands there, free from a cage, looking around and just living its best life. It’ll even make a cute noise with a big chomping motion if you interact with it.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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Villagers can play instruments

I’ve found this the other day and it made me incredibly happy. Set up a radio somewhere on your island, then place some instruments near it. Occasionally you’ll find a villager playing along with it.

If you’re lucky, multiple villagers playing different things. I put a kalimba and ukulele on the beach near a bonfire and a radio. Sometimes I’ll come down there and villagers will be turning anything playing into an island remix. I also have a guitar near a secondary radio that gives any song a rock feel. Every instrument adds a whole new audio track to a song and it’s an incredibly complex thing to add that most players will never notice.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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Next. Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Spring 2020 updates and events announced. dark

Kimono Tasukis

This one I had a friend show me as I never threw a kimono on my character before but I thought it was an awesome little visual nod. So much so I bought one just out of mere appreciation.

If you’re wearing a kimono you’ll notice it has the traditional baggy arms, but if you switch to a tool whilst using it the outfit actually changes! As you can see in the picture below, traditional tasukis seem, binding the sleeves up, keeping them out-of-the-way.