Niantic is proud to announce that the monthly Community Day event will return for April. Pokemon Go will be holding the first Community Day: Play at Home Edition for users of the app to play remotely from home.
With the recent announcements of Niantic exploring new ways for players to interact with Pokemon Go, that has not stopped Niantic from pushing the opportunity to do more from the comfort of their homes. Players will now be able to play even more events that will be available for players as soon as this month. The celebrated Community Day will be making the return after their one-month hiatus. Even more surprising, Community Day will be celebrating Abra after the Psychic-type Pokemon was postponed to a later date. A long-awaited commitment by Niantic, the event finally took place for the app is a true triumph of making a celebrated event available once again. The announcement came from Niantic called, “Community Day: Play at Home Edition” so that the day’s activities are available to players to participate.
Abra Community Day is to take place Sat. Apr. 25, 2020 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm locally to wherever the Pokemon Go player actively plays. This is the first time that the event is separated from the time when the event takes place by each divided hemisphere. That means that active POGO players will have an additional three hours to complete the opportunity to evolve an Alakazam, the fully evolved form of Abra. The prior event was supposed to take place on Mar. 15, but was one out of several events that were postponed due to the current international pandemic with Coronavirus. With the Community Day: Play at Home Edition, the celebration of Abra spanning at a higher rate in Pokemon Go will truly be an accomplishing experience for players.
Trainers, we’ve made some temporary changes to Community Day to make it easier for you to participate from anywhere you play, including at home. We’d like to introduce you to #PokemonGOCommunityDay: Play at Home Edition. Learn more:
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) April 16, 2020
The Community Day: Play at Home Edition will have more Abra appearing more frequently during the time frame of the event. There will also be an opportunity for any trainer to catch a shiny Abra in the wild. Evolving Abra up to two hours after the event will allow the Alakazam to learn a Fighting-type move for a Charged Attack. The incense used during the event will also last three hours longer, to run during the same hours of Community Day. Lure models will not be as useful due to this event being remote from the trainers’ homes. Certain promotions will also take place during the hours of the event. If the trainer’s Buddy Pokemon has a “Great Buddy” standing with the trainer, the partner Pokemon will be available to fund more items for the trainer. If the trainer also takes a photo with the Buddy Pokemon or Abra, there might be a surprise waiting for the trainer.
The Community Day: Play at Home event will not be available for every Pokemon Go player as it usually will for each user. This is the first time that a Community Day event will cost every user money to participate on Apr 15. For any user that would like to participate, they must pay US $1 (or the equivalent to what tier currency) for the Play at Home Community Day pass. Though the promotion for the Community Day event has more to offer than Community Days from the past, it does cost a small price for the benefit of taking advantage of catching more Abra. The day event does come at a bargain of a deal for the price, certainly, dedicated Pokemon Go users will invest in.

This long-overdue Community Day event that will take place will most likely set the precedent for future months if the regulation for quarantine will still be in effect. The idea that Niantic and the Pokemon Company are trying to abide by the restrictions of health professionals. There is even further praise to both companies that have developed new and better ways to participate in the app while standing by these orders. Hopefully, the aftermath of Saturday’s trial will most likely be the future outcome for what will be for Community Day.