Wizards of the Coast is releasing free Dungeons and Dragons content daily, Monday through Friday.
We’re in strange times as most people in the world are doing their part to combat the COVID-19 situation and staying at home. Businesses have also stepped up to help people through this by offering free entertainment and/or resources.
Games of all kinds can be a fantastical escape from the real world. Whether it’s something as simple a card game like Phase 10, something as complex as Magic: The Gathering, or something that’s a literal fantasy escape like Dungeons and Dragons. While many of these games typically require people to meet up to play, the last few years have seen an uptick in technology and services that allow for remote play.
From Discord and Roll20 to something as simple as Skype and Zoom, playing tabletop games remotely in 2020 has never been easier. To help gamers with filling time, Wizards of the Coast started releasing daily Dungeons and Dragons content for free. The free material includes material to run official D&D Adventurers League (DDAL) adventures, adventures/resources for everyone, and material for families/younger gamers.
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The highlight of what has been made available is for anyone who’s been thinking about playing D&D but for whatever reason haven’t jumped in yet—an electronic version of the D&D Starter Set has been made available for free. The “Starter Set Rulebook” and “Pregenerated Character Sheets” can be downloaded as PDFs and the adventure, Lost Mine of Phandelver, will be available on Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, and D&D Beyond until May 6th. If you’re at home with your family, or you have friends looking for something to do other than another Netflix Party, jumping on this starter adventure is a great way to spend some time.
If you’re a seasoned D&D player but haven’t had time to check out what the Adventurers League is all about, then Wizards has you covered there as well. They’ve released the DDAL Player’s and Dungeon Master’s Guide as PDFs and certain DDAL adventures are available through the DMs Guild.
Are you playing Dungeons and Dragons or any other games while staying in? Let us know what your playing in the comments below!
For more information about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s website or the website for your state’s Department of Health.