In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, all it takes to switch out your hair and makeup is a mirror. You can even change things like your eyes, nose and mouth which…is something we shouldn’t think about too much.
Before this though there was the beauty shop known as Shampoodle, ran by the always positive Harriet. The pink poodle of positivity would allow you to change your hair style, makeup and eye color once per day.
You might think there’s no role for Harriet now that your character has watched enough YouTube videos to do a home makeover. Well, you’re wrong.
Harriet’s role in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
So, let’s say we bring back Shampoodle but we give it some upgrades — some big ones.
You have a seat and you notice that there are other villagers there also waiting to get their hair did. Harriet asks you what you’re looking for and you enter a dream state when you enter your imagination. From here you have a wealth of options to pick from. I don’t just mean styles and color. We’re talking a ton of styles. Different bangs you can throw in front of the hair, extensions, color styles — annd not just solid colors but multicolored options where you can pick what the secondary color covers. If I want black hair with blue bangs like my wife’s got, lemme do it.
Then after looking it over, you complete your choice and she goes to work. While she’s doing her thing you witness a conversation between her and the villagers sitting around waiting. Get a beauty/barber shop feel going. You can only do this once a day though and as you come back and visit and she gets more practice she gets more options available.