With the reveal of the DualSense controller for the PS5, we analyze the pros and cons of all of the new features, including haptic feedback and the create button.
This week, Sony’s Vice President of Platform Planning & Management, Hideaki Nishino, decided to take to the Playstation Blog to reveal the controller for the Playstation 5. It’s officially called Sony DualSense, referring to Sony’s vision “for how the new controller will captivate more of your senses as you interact with the virtual worlds in PS5 games.”
It will do so through a number of new features that he explained in great detail. I’m honestly really excited to get my hands on one of these. So let’s talk about each feature and I’ll throw in what I feel might be pros and cons with each may be. Let me just set up my soapbox and let’s go.
It has a built in microphone
This one is a pretty cool feature. As you’ll hear a bunch in this article, I work in video game retail. I won’t say which retailer but let’s just say you know who they are.
One of the things I constantly see are people who purchase those cheap $15 headsets for chat. They come in maybe once every two months to replace their busted one and I always try to convince them to at least get a higher quality, $40 version. Instead, they continue to blow all their money on cheap headsets, thinking they’re saving money.
This will, hopefully, remove some of those problems by giving every single player access to chat features without having to buy anything. I think this is a really considerate move and definitely a step up from the single ear bud that the PS4 came with. I’m not dogging that headset as I honestly use it for online calls on my computer and phone all the time.
Here’s my concern on this feature, they haven’t talked much about how this built-in mic works. I fully understand modern mics have good directional features so I get that it shouldn’t be too hard to build a mic that just focuses on the user’s mouth. But we’ve all played with those people with headsets that only do chat audio, where all you hear is the music playing in the background or their TV volume up too high and having that all channel through the mic until you decide to mute them.
Considering the insane amount of audio work Sony has put into the Playstation 5, this isn’t a huge concern for me. At the same time, I’m going to file this under “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Or I guess, hear it.