Animal Crossing: New Horizons: List of upcoming events

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Throughout the year, events will take place in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch. Here are some of the confirmed events coming our way.

One of my favorite things in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the way it deals with events. I’ll just put it out there, I am not a time traveler. There are people who often change their system’s clock and speed the game along, but I am not one of those people. I’ve nothing against people who do it, it’s just not my way to play.

My only issue with people who did this in past games is spoilers. I remember when Animal Crossing: New Leaf came out on the 3DS. All of its events were tied to the system’s internal clock, so if someone in July decided to change their system’s clock to December 24th, that player would be able to suddenly take part in the Toy Day event. Then someone like me, who experiences the standard flow of time, would hit the event when it was meant to take place with no surprises. I would have a full understanding of every event and just feel like I was late to the party because I already saw everything you get from it in the towns of my friends.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons fixes this. The schedule for events now runs off a real world clock and not your system’s internal clock. If you want to see Toy Day, you’re waiting for Toy Day. We’re all going to experience these events fresh on the same day and I’m pretty excited for that — especially as each event seems to come with an update adding new characters and crafting items.

Let’s get into some of the events coming up this year — at least the ones that we know of. I suspect a lot more than the official list though as I think it would be bananas for them to not have an event between April and October.