Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Three ways to improve Bunny Day

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Nintendo /

Bunny Day needs to be optional

If this is going to be a thing where it affects the main game, it should absolutely be optional —especially considering that everyone playing is going to have to deal with this for almost two weeks. For me, the event is just obnoxious. There’s also a lot of people online who have talked about the fact that they don’t feel comfortable taking part in something tied to a religious event.

I’m not in that camp. I’m in the complex camp of “Bunnies and eggs were actually came from Pagan celebrations and represented fertility and the potential for life and… hey where are you going?” But I do think that if it’s based off a real world event you’re not a fan of, then you should choose to opt out.

Why else do I think this needs to be optional?