Animal Crossing: New Horizons: How to survive and bell farm Tarantula Island


While dangerous, Tarantula Island is also very lucrative. Follow this guide for an easy way to farm bells by capturing tarantulas in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Everyone that’s playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons knows about bugs. They’re all over the place. They come in a wide variety.They add a lot of much-needed life to the normally stationary world. And some… will just wreck you.

The creature we’re talking about here though is the tarantula.

When it sees you, if you fail to hit it with your net it goes into full on Taken mode. It has a particular set of skills, it will find you and it will kill you. Well, not really kill you, but it will render you unconscious and then, I’m assuming, drag you to the front door of your house because that’s where you wake up without any villager or resident of your island mentioning it at all. I’m going to go ahead and assume the tarantula got you and then left you on your own doorstep as a message saying “I know where you live.”

Spider Island survival guide - Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The problem is, Tarantulas are also valuable. One of these things is worth 8,000 bells. If you wait for Flick to show up, he’ll buy them for 12,000 each. They’re a super great way to earn money.

Sometimes, if you use a Nook Ticket you’ll even end up on Tarantula Island which, despite the name, no, it’s exactly what you think. It’s a flat island filled with tarantulas — a never-ending supply.

So how do you catch them? The normal rule of thumb is you need to sneak up on them, slowly creeping until you can drop the net on them.

But we have loans to pay, right? Luckily, there’s a great trick for this and it takes a net and a shovel.

First thing you need is a flat stretch of land. Preferably in one of the lower areas of the island. Then you’re going to dig nine holes. Two columns of two connect by a single hole at the bottom creating a tall cup like in the picture below.

Spider Island survival guide - Animal Crossing: New Horizons

From there, it’s aggro time. Switch to your net and get it to chase you. Run up and then have it chase you into the cup. When you get in the cup you’ll jump over the hole at the bottom leaving the tarantula freaking out at the bottom. Now look back up, swing your net, it reaches over the hole and snag. You got a tarantula. Just do this and you can get yourself a full inventory of these monsters in no time flat.

It’s like my grandma used to say, “You dig nine holes for a spider before it digs one hole for you.”

Off topic: If you like my Team Rocket outfit, feel free to use it.

Spider Island survival guide - Animal Crossing: New Horizons