Star Wars Battlefront 2: The Age of Rebellion update brings new reinforcements, weapons and maps

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New Maps for Co-Op, Heroes vs Villains

Seven locations from Age of Rebellion are coming to Co-Op. These locations are Yavin, Death Star II, Endor, Hoth, Tatooine, Kessel and Jabba’s Palace. Co-Op will also be getting Capital Ships to defend and attack — the Republic Venator and Separatist Dreadnaught.

Meanwhile Heroes vs Villains mode will be getting the MC85 Star Cruiser and Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer as playable maps.

There’s a ton of quality of life, UI, AI and hero changes, so if you’re interested in getting the full rundown, head over to the Star Wars Battlefront 2 forums. Also, check out the video posted to EA Star Wars Twitter showing these new additions.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It’s also now part of the EA Access vault, which means EA and Origin Access members can play the full game at no extra cost as long as they are subscribed to the service.