The top 5 water type Pokémon from the Kanto Region

387339 03: A Nintendo promotion representative shows off the company's next-generation hand-held console Game Boy Advance at the Tokyo Game Show April 1, 2001 in Tokyo, Japan. The faster Game Boy Advance, which uses a 32-bit processor and is Internet-enabled, hit the shops in Japan for 9,800 yen (80 USD) March 21 to rave reviews. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Newsmakers)
387339 03: A Nintendo promotion representative shows off the company's next-generation hand-held console Game Boy Advance at the Tokyo Game Show April 1, 2001 in Tokyo, Japan. The faster Game Boy Advance, which uses a 32-bit processor and is Internet-enabled, hit the shops in Japan for 9,800 yen (80 USD) March 21 to rave reviews. (Photo by Koichi Kamoshida/Newsmakers)

We all know that the Kanto Region (or gen 1) Pokémon are the best Pokémon out there. But what are the best water type Pokémon?

Water types are of the utmost importance in the Kanto region and in most Pokémon games. You have to have at least one Pokémon on your team that can learn a water type move. This is because you need to have use surf and waterfall to beat most Pokémon games. But which water type Pokémon should you choose for your team? Here are the best five in the Kanto region.

5. Tentacruel

Tentacruel is a dual-type Pokémon, both a water type and a poison type. This often overlooked Pokémon evolves at level 30 from from Tentacool. It’s said to have 80 tentacles and once they wrap around their enemy they never release.

Tentacruel can learn moves like Poison Jab, Surf, and Hydro Pump just by leveling up. Tentacruel also has good defense stats, which means he’s great for holding off the enemy. Tentacruel is weak to Ground, Electric, and Psychic Pokémon.

4. Poliwrath

Poliwrath is a fighting and water type, the only of its kind in Kanto. Poliwrath evolves from Poliwhirl when a water stone is used.

Poliwrath has pretty well rounded stats, so they’ll make a great addition to your team if you’re looking for a fighting type as well. If you want your Poliwrath to be the best it can be, you’re going to want to make sure it has waterfall in its move set.

3. Lapras

Lapras is a special Pokémon as it doesn’t have an evolution. Lapras is a water type and an ice type. It’s pretty hard to catch a Lapras in Kanto, but they’re commonly found on Route 19 and 20.

Lapras is also a tank of a Pokémon with the highest base stat total of any water type Pokémon in the game. Lapras is weak to electric, grass, fighting, and rock.

2. Gyarados

Gyarados is a fan favorite, and by far one of the best water type Pokémon in any of the games. Gyarados is a water and flying type. It evolves from Magikarp at level 20.

When using a Gyarados you definitely want them to have the move Waterfall. But, did you know that Gyarados can learn a wide variety of other typed moves, such as Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Flamethrower?

1. Blastoise

If you’re not a water starter kind of person, this last one really doesn’t work out for you, as in the earlier games the only way to get a Squirtle was as your starter. However, you’re in luck because in Let’s Go you can grab a Squirtle just for catching a certain amount of Pokémon.

Blastoise has great defensive stats and is a strong water type Pokémon that will definitely benefit your team. And if you’re not a water starter kind of person, opt for the Gyarados instead.

Did we miss your favorite water type Pokémon? Let us know in the comments below who you think should have made this list.