PUBG Global Championship: Semifinals and FaZe Clan’s incredible comeback

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PUBG Global Championship
fortyseven communications (fortyseven) /

Throughout the weekend teams put their best foot forward in hopes of securing a seat at the PGC Grand Finals when it was all said and done, it was FaZe Clan who pulled off the greatest comeback we’ve ever seen.

After a slow start on their opening day of the Semifinals, FaZe was fully aware of the uphill battle they would face on Sunday, but this is FaZe Clan and “FaZe Sunday” is undefeated, right?

Well, the team struggled to find any substantial points in five matches, this practically eliminated the team from the Grand Finals picture as we entered the final match of the Semifinals. This was an uncharacteristic performance for one of the greatest teams at PGC with their season in the balance. So heading into the final match, many had already written the team off.

FaZe Clan entered the final match of the Semifinals in the last place position, 24th. With the Grand Finals cut-off being 16th and better, they would have to leapfrog eight teams in order to advance into the PGC Grand Finals. FaZe dropped into Miramar trailing AHQ Esports Club, who held the final qualification position, by a staggering 24 points.

The challenge wasn’t just overcoming the massive point differential, it was making sure that the team outscored AHQ by more than twenty-four, a team that was searching for as many points as possible too in hopes of protecting their spot inside the Grand Finals.

As the match progress, FaZe began securing critical points as the zone closed in on ‘La Bendita’, and It was here that this incredible comeback was nearly spoiled. Having already lost ‘Mxey’ in a previous engagement, one of FaZe’s three remaining players was knocked by a player within a compound to the North. This wasn’t a massive issue, FaZe was already within the safe zone and broke the team’s line of sight allowing a safe revive of FaZe’s player.

The only issue with this revive, is that Sting Devine’s ‘Leviz’ had been snaking his way into the zone and noticed the knocked player and the attempt to revive. Searching to secure two points for his team, ‘Leviz’ aimed down his sight and knocked ‘Fuzzface’ as he revived. This left one member of FaZe Clan standing with their hopes of qualifying for the PGC Grand Finals up in the air.

Immediately, Sting Devine’s ‘Leviz’ turned to find ‘Aitzy’, FaZe Clan’s last standing player, and attempted to wipe FaZe Clan from this match and PGC all together. Thankfully for FaZe Clan and their fans, ‘Aitzy’ was able to win this 1v1 engagement and survived with only a fraction of his health. The entire comeback, FaZe Clan’s season, and the PGC Grand Finals qualification came down to this one versus one fight between ‘Aitzy’ and ‘Leviz’.

FaZe Clan overcame numerous hurdles during this match, and credit is deserving for each member of the team. The team’s leading fragger, ‘Ubah’ was out of his mind during the final moments of the match. When the dust settled, FaZe Clan had pulled off what will be remembered as the greatest PUBG Esports comeback we’ve seen to date.

If you missed the match, I highly recommend watching this chaotic finale unfold in real-time.