31 terrifying monsters and enemies from video games that’ll haunt your Halloween

Capcom /
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14. SOMA – Jin Yoshida

Frictional Games knows exactly how to create a horror game. SOMA is an excellent underwater horror that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the credits roll. There are all sorts of technology types and organic life able to interact with said technology. One of those instances is the case of Jin Yoshida. This mangled creature is a power suit animated by structure gel, a super fossil fuel of some kind.

The creature can follow you through closed doors at immense speeds. Plus, the portion in which the creature follows you is not the best lighting. All of these elements make it an adrenaline high moment. Not to mention the insane reception of senses makes this thing a formidable opponent.

15. This War of Mine – Resources

This is the first of our abstract terrifying monsters or enemies in video games. This War of Mine has a unique premise in that it follows the story of civilians during a war. Players have a roster of survivors they need to keep alive. Resources are always running low such as medicine, food, and ammo. Scavenging for resources in the game is very difficult. Different parts of the city have varying degrees of threats.

Of course, the chance of death when scavenging for resources is significantly high. Players need to be stealthy and know when it is time to extract. There will be many times when you get greedy but die in the process. A survivor dying is extremely detrimental to the rest of the survivors and your resource supply. If you do not have enough resources then everyone will eventually die.