Season 5 will add new and interesting features to PUBG when it lands on live servers next Wednesday. Now playable on test servers, players can get a headstart on their Season 5 experience.
Headlined by an all-new Survivor Pass titled “Badlands”, PUBG’s focus has shifted from last season’s remastering of their original map to the desert plains of Miramar in Season 5. Though not receiving a complete overhaul as Erangel did, various tweaks have been made to the map’s landscape such as environmental cleanup, which means hopefully you won’t barrel roll your vehicle after skimming the edge of a roadside trash pile any longer.
Thanks to the introduction of numerous new features, this update delivers much more than a new theme and shiny skins. In Season 5, every engagement throughout the battlegrounds could unfold differently as sharing ammo and meds has never been easier. Built off of a ping-system already in-game, players will now be able to toss ammo and meds to their teammates up to 15 meters away. Once you get the hang of it, this feature has the potential to keep you and your team engaged in fights as you exhaust ammunition and health.

Often picked in desperation and rarely seen after early engagements, the iconic western lever-action received a substantial buff this update. Now equipped with a 2.7x scope, the Win94 becomes a more useful option when scanning the open sightlines of Miramar. Unfortunately, the weapon has been deemed a Miramar exclusive weapon to the frustration of many. Similar to the QBU and QBZ of Sanhok, or the G36 and MP5K of Vikendi, the Win94 will no longer spawn outside of its specific map.
A popular topic of player feedback and something I could personally get behind is PUBG removing their map-specific weapon policy to allow for more variety across maps. While on one hand, it creates a unique experience when using a weapon limited to that map, it also inadvertently forces a player to use, say an MP5K for example, because it may be another 4-5 matches before they come across it again.
Players can also find a golden Mirado parked inside the garage at Hacienda del Patron, a common hot-drop location due to the increased loot, awaiting whichever team is the last standing. I love this idea and it’s only going to cause even more players to drop there as everyone attempts to take it for a spin themselves. Maybe test it out on the new racetrack scattered across Miramar, featuring plenty of ramps and hang time for a much more interesting rotation.

Another new feature brings much-needed value to all melee weapons in PUBG. Apart from a funny clip of early-game chaos here and there, the melee weapons are typically just an obstacle to maneuver when looting. However, players will now be able to throw melee weapons, as well as stack multiple inside their inventory. Incredible highlights of this feature have already made the rounds on social media, and I’m excited to see how often it’s used when Season 5 hits live servers.

Update your PUBG Test Server and give each of the new features a try for yourself!