5 truly terrifying horror games from 2019 to play this Halloween

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Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 Mr. X

Capcom gave us a spectacular Resident Evil 2 game early this year. Return to Raccoon City this Halloween as Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield.

This game has been remade from the ground up. If you have played the original and haven’t had a chance to play this one then you need to. Capcom has added a lot of new content making the game feel brand new. Furthermore, the graphics look excellent on Xbox One X. Gore from zombies looks gruesome and sometimes feels real.

Plus, how can you not be scared of the unkillable Mr. X. This walking concrete wall is unstoppable at every turn. He always turns up in the most inconvenient places so be wary of his presence. From a distance, he looks lumbering and slow, but up close he will crush your skull in seconds. Resident Evil 2 also brings back the early 2000’s third-person horror many grew up with. The game really feels great and makes us crave more zombie chaos from Capcom.

If that doesn’t sell you, check out what we thought of Resident Evil 2.