First Sirfetch’d, what Pokémon will be evolving next?

The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that a new Pokémon has been discovered in the Galar region: Sirfetch’d, the Wild Duck Pokémon. Sirfetch’d will appear in the highly anticipated upcoming video game, Pokémon Sword. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield launch November 15, 2019, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Image Courtesy The Pokemon Company Press
The Pokémon Company International and Nintendo announced today that a new Pokémon has been discovered in the Galar region: Sirfetch’d, the Wild Duck Pokémon. Sirfetch’d will appear in the highly anticipated upcoming video game, Pokémon Sword. Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield launch November 15, 2019, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch™ system. Image Courtesy The Pokemon Company Press

Farfetch’d finally receives an evolution in the new Pokemon Sword and Shield. What Pokemon evolutions could occur in future titles?

Pokemon fans rejoiced when they heard that Farfetch’d was announced to have an evolution in the new installment of the franchise in Sword and Shield. Sirfetch’d was announced last week in the latest teaser trailer of the game and will be the next evolutionary stage for the Farfetch’d.

A design that took over twenty-three years in the making, there has always been some fan questions of certain Pokemon to receive evolution to further their evolutionary line. There are a few that come to mind when considering that should be given another species to evolve into. Here, we take a look at the five Pokemon we’d like to see get new evolutions next!

1. Jinx

Jinx was one of the Pokemon who received a baby version of itself introduced among the second generation in Smoochum. Jinx was accompanied by others from the original 151 with Electabuzz and Magmar also receiving evolutions in Elekid and Magby, respectively. In Generation Four, there were new evolutions introduced to Electabuzz and Magmar for final stages that made their evolutionary chains a full trio with Electivire and Magmortar.

With Jinx left on the sideline with an evolutionary line of just two, it would be complimentary if Jinx could evolve into something more. It would be best if it could evolve the same way like Electabuzz or Magmar which involves trading with a held item. The final evolution form could even be a better two-type Pokemon, maybe Ice and Fairy.

Possible squid Pokémon evolution for Octillery? (Photo by Jenny Evans/Getty Images)
Possible squid Pokémon evolution for Octillery? (Photo by Jenny Evans/Getty Images)

2. Octillery

Octillery has always had a strange evolution line that starts from Remoraid in the basic evolutionary line. For a basic evolution turns into an octopus, it would be a little cooler if Octillery could get one more evolution line. If the final evolution could be a giant squid that required a certain set move to learn while raising an Octillery, it would be one Easter egg for Pokemon to have for a brand new evolution from a vintage species.

Adding another type for this final evolution for Octillery would be a must. Perhaps having a Water-typed Pokemon being Poison, Dragon, Dark, or Steel. What if it was possible to make the final evolution of Octillery to represent the Kraken? That would blow some fans’ minds!

3. Girafarig

Here is a Pokemon that is another solo species who could have a better evolutionary stage in order to make it superior. Girafarig has always been a strange creature that somehow shares Psychic abilities being a Normal-type. It has always been known to be pretty strange with the second head that it has for a tail.

When Hydreigon was introduced as another Pokemon with more than one head, it had more heads than Girafarig. An opportunity that can be seized with adding more heads to the strange Girafarig is to its next evolutionary stage. Since it is already based on a giraffe, it could be possible to make the next evolution look like the mythological creature Chimaera.

It could be possible to level up a Girafarig with two other single Pokemon that do not evolve to make it possible, like a Seviper and Bouffalant. That typing for the next evolution will probably just as bizarre as Girafarig.

Pokemon GO Pokemon TV
Photo: Eevee and it’s evolutions, or Eevolutions; Pokémon The Series/The Pokémon Company International, Nintendo Photo Courtesy The Pokemon Company International

4. Eevee

The fan in me also has a guilty pleasure for wanting another evolution for Eevee. Sylveon made the debut as they Fairy-type evolution for Eevee in Generation Six in Pokemon X and Y. Making another hint for the other Eevolutions that made their debut in games that were even number for their generation (Umbreon and Espeon in Gen Two; Leafeon and Glaceon for Gen Four).

It would be a treat of a surprise if Eevee receives another evolution for Generation Eight in the Galor region in Sword and Shield. The Eevolution family have covered half of the types available in the Pokemon franchise, it would be even sweeter for the creators of the game to offer more than one option for Eevee to evolve into like they have in prior evolution. What is not to love than another member of the family for House Eevee?

5. Chimecho

Chimecho was another Pokemon that received a baby evolution when Generation Four introduced its baby stage with Chingling. Based on of a Japanese wind chime in origin, it would be even more extraordinary to push this evolutionary line even further. Using a held item while being raised, Chimecho can evolve into another Pokemon that looked similar to a dream catcher.

Chimecho is capable of learning Dream Eater, maybe having the next evolutionary line have the move called “Dream Healer” that would heal sleeping Pokemon in the party. Since Drowzee is based on of the mythological creator, baku, it would make a good counterpart to be a protector of dreams for trainers and Pokemon alike.