5 games you should totally try during the UPlay+ free trial

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Rainbow Six Siege Operator
Ubisoft /

Rainbow Six: Siege

Rainbow Six: Siege is the best competitive shooter of this generation and arguably in the conversation for game of the decade. While the game doesn’t quite meet the unrealistic expectations set by its now infamous E3 2014 trailer, its firefights are still tense, frantic and host to some of the tightest gameplay in the genre. It’s also a blast to play with friends.

Many of those who sign up for the UPlay+ trial likely have some experience with the game, but for those who don’t the trial is the perfect time to give the game a go. UPlay+ includes the game’s Ultimate Edition and the Year 4 pass. That gives players access to every operator currently in the game from the word “go.” Normally that requires a massive grind; getting it for free from the start gives new players a massive array of operators to choose from, allowing them to try out almost everything the game has to offer.

Ubisoft could have let Siege die on the vine after its rocky 2015 release. That they didn’t is a testament to their commitment and the community that has built up around it. If you played it during its initial launch and dropped it, now is the time to pick it back up. Siege is an entirely different and better game than it used to be.

A word of warning though: it might be the only game you play during the trial.