Most anticipated PS4 and Xbox One games for September 2019

Capcom /
3 of 5
Gears 5 Kait
The Coalition /

Gears 5 – Xbox One – September 10

The Xbox doesn’t have many exclusive blockbuster tentpoles, but Gears of War is certainly one of them. Besides Halo, Gears is probably the only other flagship franchise for the Xbox brand.

Dropping the “of War,” the new simplified name serves as a clean slate for the franchise, is now under the development of The Coalition. It’s also representative of the shift in focus from JD Fenix to Kait Diaz, an “Outsider of Locust descent,” who was introduced in the previous game. The story itself focuses on Kait’s attempt to uncover her mysterious connection to the enemy in an attempt to save humanity from the growing threat of the Swarm. While Kait will be have the spotlight it remains to be seen if we’ll have any sort of secondary storyline involving JD.

In terms of gameplay, fans can expect all of the bells and whistles. Beyond the three-player campaign co-op, there’s four additional game modes: Versus competitive multiplayer, the classic wave-based Horde survival mode (which has a few new features as well), the aggressve, high-stakes Escape co-op and, lastly, the custom Map Builder.

Gears 5 is being billed as the “biggest entry in the Gears of War franchise. Xbox owners will not want to miss this one.

And remember, Gears 5 will be available through the Xbox Game Pass subscription, which also provides access to a library of over 100 additional games for just a small monthly cost. It’s hard to say no to that.