E3 2019: Nintendo predictions, rumors and expectations

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What we might see: A cheaper Nintendo Switch model

Nintendo loves to put out new models of its consoles. Like all the time. Sometimes it’s something as simple as a new color or a fresh design, but other times it’s a new form factor or even a new model with new capabilities the previous one didn’t have. Sometimes it’s a cheaper model where they cut out features that don’t get a lot of use and aren’t necessary to play a vast majority of the system’s library.

Ever since the Nintendo Switch first released in fact, people have been wondering what the next iterations would look like. Would there be a cheaper model that was only portable? Would there be a more powerful one? Would there be one with better battery life?

It’s been repeatedly reported that both a cheaper Nintendo Switch and a more powerful one are indeed in the works. I think if we see either shown off at this year’s Nintendo E3 video presentation, it will be the cheaper one for primarily one reason: Pokémon Sword and Shield.

It’s pretty simple. There is a new Pokémon game coming out. While yes, people of all ages play Pokémon, it’s primarily designed and marketed as a game for kids, and lots of kids love Pokémon. A new Pokémon is very likely to move Nintendo Switch consoles, but the $300 price tag for a system to give a kid who might only play Pokémon on it but also might not be too careful with it might give parents pause.

A cheaper model is undoubtedly a way to assuage those fears. What would be sacrificed in a more affordable model, though? I would think they’d remove the included dock but the system would still work with one and you can buy one later on if you wish. Maybe HD rumble would be removed? Perhaps the Joy Cons wouldn’t detach? It’s hard to say.

But if Nintendo wants a cheaper model to push timing it with the release of a new Pokémon game would be perfect and E3 2019 would be a great place to show it to the world.