E3 2019: Ubisoft predictions, rumors and expectations

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Beyond Good and Evil 2 E3 2018
Credit: Ubisoft /

What we might see: Beyond Good and Evil 2

I’m not happy about the direction Beyond Good and Evil 2 is taking frankly. It bears no resemblance to the critically acclaimed (but unfortunately poorly selling) original game that came out back in 2003.

That game had a great story but more importantly, ended on a cliffhanger and left a lot of questions unanswered in what was meant to be an ongoing franchise. If the game sold poorly and you couldn’t continue that, fine. But why make a game called Beyond Good and Evil 2 that seems to ignore the original game completely?

After a somewhat vague showing of what the world of the game was like last year, we got a pretty good idea of what you’ll be doing and what Beyond Good and Evil 2 is like with a stream several months ago. You are a customizable space pirate captain with tons of abilities and gadgets at your disposal. It looks pretty cool. But nothing thus far has explained why it should be called Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a game we’ve been seeing slowly coming along for a few years now though, and there’s an excellent chance we will see it again at this year’s Ubisoft E3 2019 presentation.

Whatever they show, I’d be pretty satisfied if they gave us a good reason for the title beyond slapping a name on it that only has recognition to the people who loved the first game and want a continuation of that. Not some giant space adventure that is nothing like the original.

Anyways, you’ll see more of this game at this year’s E3 and maybe even a release period (which is likely 2020).