E3 2019: Ubisoft predictions, rumors and expectations

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What we won’t see: WiLD

Hey everyone, remember WiLD? If not, I don’t blame you. The first look at the new IP from Rayman creator Michel Ancel was way back in 2014. It was not revealed at E3, but Gamescom, where you don’t often see that many new unannounced games.

WiLD seemed like a pretty cool idea. You played a caveman that could control other animals. You could ride a bear. You could hunt. Honestly, it looked a little like Horizon: Zero Dawn minus the robot dinosaurs and advanced technology. There was a significant amount of gameplay shown at the unveiling. Surely this new game couldn’t be more than a couple of years away, right?

Well, it’s now 2019 and while we’ve gotten some minor updates such as Ancel posting on his Instagram account that he was still working on the game and Ubisoft recently renewing the trademark indicating the game hasn’t been canceled, WiLD has been missing in action from E3 or any other show since Paris Games Week 2015 when we last saw any new footage.

The trademark renewal was this year, and while we could see a surprise resurgence of the game, my guess is if it’s not done by now, it’s not coming out for current consoles and will likely be a next-gen project still at least a couple of years down the line. It almost definitely will not be at E3 2019.