Photo Credit: © 2018 Pokémon. © 1995-2018 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. Pokémon, Poké Ball and Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2018 Nintendo
Eevee is one of the most versatile Pokemon available, the small mammalian creature which bears some resemblance to a small dog.
The Generation 1 Pokemon, Eevee, has been able to evolve into multiple different forms since its inception. Those who played the original Pokemon Blue, Red and Yellow versions would have to work their way to Celadon City before they could choose one of three elemental stones.
Back then, Eevee had just three potential evolutions. Flareon, the fire type; Jolteon, the electric type; and Vaporeon, the water type.
But since then, there have been discoveries which led to more forms available for evolution. Espeon (psychic) and Umbreon (dark) were introduced in Generation 2. Leafeon (grass) and Glaceon (ice) were introduced in Generation 4, and the most recent addition to the family, Sylveon (fairy), was introduced in Generation 6.
Rumour is that more evolutions of Eevee are due in Generation 8, but for now check out my top three Eeveelutions!
Photo: Pokémon The Series/The Pokémon Company International, Nintendo Photo Courtesy The Pokemon Company International
3. Leafeon
Leafeon comes in at number three. The grass type is something we’d been waiting for since Gen 1. The memories of playing Pokemon Red and seeing the Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone and Leaf Stone in the Celadon Mart knowing that the Leaf Stone was not an option for Eevee bring back years of frustration.
So when the leaf tailed version was released in Gen 4, the 6-year-old in me jumped for joy. Finally, I could add it to my party. The recent release into Pokemon GO has also added to the fandom!
Photo: Pokémon The Series/The Pokémon Company International, Nintendo Photo Courtesy The Pokemon Company International
2. Jolteon
I mean, look at him. Yellow coat, white mane and those dark purple eyes made for an intimidating yet aesthetically pleasing form.
The jagged appearance that represented electricity made him look like a rock star and seeing him perform Pin Missile was just a joy to behold. The least appreciated of the original trio for me, but deserves a lot more love!
Photo: Pokémon The Series/The Pokémon Company International, Nintendo Photo Courtesy The Pokemon Company International
1. Umbreon
Similar to Jolteon, the colour scheme of Umbreon was the perfect mixture to give off an intimidating yet satisfying image. The dark type had evil red eyes which gave the impression that it was not be messed with under any circumstances.
Generation 2 saw the introduction of Dark-Type Pokemon, and Umbreon was a highly sought after evolution of Eevee in the Gold/Silver/Crystal series.
There was only one winner for me, a Pokemon that oozes class, power and an odd sense of regality.