Detective Pikachu featured a number of Pokemon in the live action film, these are the five with the best live action designs.
Detective Pikachu broke records for movies based off of video games with a huge opening weekend at the box office. The Pokemon film features several of the creatures from the franchise in all their live action glory. Here is a look at some of the Pokemon from the film who had the coolest, cutest, and best overall design. While all of them looked cool in their own right, here are the top five.
5. Ludicolo
This Pokemon looks absolutely ridiculous, and it is perfect. From the duck-like beak, to the hair, and the lily pad hat it has, this Pokemon’s design fit the animated character perfectly. It is a perfect mix of creepy and playful that gives it a lot of flavor and brings it to live action perfectly. This had to be one of the harder Pokemon to animate, and they did a great job.
4. Charizard
This popular fire-flying-type was fearsome and intimidating in the film, while still holding true to its original design. The scales and wings were done well, and give Charizard a dragon-like appearance. The fire breathing was also done incredibly well, showcasing the CGI animations of the moves used by the Pokemon.
3. Jigglypuff
The hair on Jigglypuff was downright adorable and incredibly well done. On top of being adorable, it looked exactly like the Pokemon from the animation. The addition of the microphone and singing also made this cute little creature even cuter. This Pokemon got so much attention the writer has stated he wants to make another film featuring it.
2. Pikachu
The detective himself was the highlight of the film, and incredibly well done. Pikachu was cute, fluffy, and quite funny as well. The different shades of yellow and orange on its fur, as well as the wrinkles on its forehead, really gave this Pokemon life and character. Bonus points here for the accurate lightning-shaped tail and doe eyes. The star of the film, however, is just slightly surpassed by one other.
1. Bulbasaur
The original grass-type starter has never looked better. Its scaly appearance, the markings on its forehead, the seed on its back, and its big and colorful eyes all make this Pokemon look amazing. It is incredibly cute, and its appearance gives it a shy personality. The poor animators from the Sonic live action film will have a tough time competing with little creature.
Bulbasaur in Legendary Pictures’ and Warner Bros. Pictures’ comedy adventure “POKÉMON DETECTIVE PIKACHU,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.
If you have not yet seen these Pokemon in action, make sure to go check out Detective Pikachu in theaters. For all other news and stories, like and follow Viridian Forest on Facebook and Twitter. Who were your favorite Pokemon from the film?