25 of the most detailed video games of this generation

Credits: Arkane Studios
Credits: Arkane Studios /
15 of 25
Credit: CD Projekt Red
Credit: CD Projekt Red /

The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

Since the release of The Witcher, CD Projekt Red, the Polish-based studio behind the franchise, has been dedicated to delivering some of the most fantastic experiences to date. With their use of mythological creatures, photo-realistic terrains and characters, their games are artistic masterpieces, ones that stand out among the rest. As new hardware released, so did their push to strive some of the best graphics they can deliver and they do so quite well.

Just like previous entries, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt doesn’t fail to draw players in with its attractive art direction, the team’s brilliant use of vibrant colors, and a staggeringly detailed world. Unlike games of its type, The Witcher 3 is a well-crafted RPG that brings its world to life through the use of mystic creatures, mythological beasts, and human-forged destruction. Much as one would expect, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is an absolute triumph in story, graphics, and gameplay. It’s a labor of love from the Polish-based studio CD Projekt Red.

The world they created is immense, having been split into several different regions, each massive on its own, so that it’s almost hard to imagine the amount of detail that was put into their very creation. Just as one would expect from a game set in a fantasy version of the dark ages, the world is perpetually bathed in war, with attacks from creatures that one would normally only find in books about mythological entities. But unlike many RPGs of its type, the world in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt is a living and breathing entity.

From the bustling streets to the serene villages to the quiet streams in the woods, The Witcher 3 is an amazing masterpiece, one that wants players to explore its every inch, to encounter every creature that emerges within the wilderness.  If you want to experience a land that you may only imagine, then check into CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt.