18 RPGs we can’t wait to play in 2018

Square Enix
Square Enix /
7 of 18
Deep Silver
Deep Silver /

#12.  Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PS4, Xbox One, PC)

So, what if you really like the gameplay and medieval-style setting of the Elder Scrolls games, but wanted something without all the fantasy trappings? That’s what Kingdom Come: Deliverance is promising to, well, deliver!

You play the son of a murdered blacksmith who is simply out for revenge, but of course, before you know. it you are tied up in things that will alter the fate of the kingdom for better or worse. The basis of Kingdom Come: Deliverance seems to be all about authenticity.  It’s based in the early 1400s in what is today the Czech Republic and will feature accurate armors, weapons, clothing and even fighting techniques specific to that time. Even the music is period-accurate, recorded by Czech musicians.

The authenticity and realism doesn’t stop there. Kingdom Come: Deliverance will have what is called a “needs” system. Armor and weapons will need repair. You’ll need to eat and sleep, food will spoil, etc. While that may be a turn-off for some players, as long as its balanced well, I feel that could potentially add a lot of depth to the gameplay. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is due out February 13th.