18 RPGs we can’t wait to play in 2018

Square Enix
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Square Enix
Square Enix /

#13. Secret of Mana (PS4, Vita, PC)

There’s nothing Square Enix loves more than rereleasing classic RPGs. And no doubt many old-school RPG fans are super excited about the upcoming remastered release of one of the most fondly remembered 16-bit RPGs, Secret of Mana. Secret Of Mana will feature a fully 3D overhaul which could add a lot more dimensions to gameplay from the original 2D look, as well as rearranged tracks, new cutscenes, an updated battle system … pretty much the works. This will easily be the most convenient way to play this RPG classic without say having to track down a SNES Classic.

There are some nagging issues I’ve seen in both trailers and written previews with some characters literally having creepy grins frozen on their faces, and the voice acting, for the most part, seems pretty bad. That being said, the classic gameplay still seems pretty much intact and that was always Secret of Mana‘s biggest strength by a long shot so that should still make this remake worth checking out. Honestly, I’m most interested in the Vita version since we don’t seem to be getting any version of Secret of Mana on the Nintendo Switch in America anytime soon and that would be a great way to play it on the go if it runs well. The Secret of Mana HD remake will be out February 15th.